Manual Writers provides honest advice on processes, standards and performance and delivers all the procedures, manuals and training you need - Leaving you free to concentrate on your business,
Manual Writers provides honest advice on processes, standards and performance and delivers all the procedures, manuals and training you need - Leaving you free to concentrate on your business,
We do it all for you
We develop and write all the processes, manuals and training you need - Leaving you free to concentrate on your business.
Our services offer excellent value for money.
We don’t list fees on our website – because we need to learn about your needs, operation and objectives before proposing how we can best help you at a fair price. That’s why we offer a FREE initial consultation - where we come to you, discuss your operation and needs, give you free advice and suggest the services and depth that will most benefit you.
Conduct an initial free consultation to understand your needs;
Agree the content and purpose of your operations manual;
Collate any existing documents and resources (by correspondence);
Compile an operations manual that applies your content to our existing template for your business type.
(30-40% bespoke and 4 to 8 weeks to deliver after collecting your materials).
Conduct an initial free consultation to understand your needs.
Meet again to agree the depth, purpose, format and content of the manual(s).
Create and agree a structure and detailed list of contents for the new manual(s).
Spend 1-2 days observing processes in your business;
Conduct 1-3 meetings to collect data, discuss processes and interview management.
List requirements and manage the collection of existing documents from your team;
Agree what gaps exist and new procedures to fill those gaps;
Write a ‘test’ section in your corporate format and ‘voice’ for approval.
Write first draft of your operations manual (mainly bespoke but using our experience and templates to fill gaps);
Conduct 1-2 meetings with management to review and amend the initial draft.
Create the final draft of your operations manual to your satisfaction.
(About 60-70% bespoke and 8-16 weeks after collecting materials and interviewing your Team).
Conduct an initial free consultation to understand your needs.
Meet again to agree depth, purpose, format and content of the manual(s) and to discuss opportunities or issues in the business.
Propose and agree project management, responsibilities and deadlines.
Create and agree a structure and detailed list of contents for the new operations manual(s).
Conduct 2-4 meetings to collect data, discuss processes and interview management.
List requirements and manage the collection of existing documents from your team;
Create and agree a schedule of performance-review observation visits, management and team interviews (and staff discussion forums, if appropriate).
Visit your operation (at multiple sites, if needed) for 4-10 full days, to observe processes and performance first-hand and to interview your Team.
Create a summary report detailing: opportunities to enhance processes, performance, sales and profitability, etc.; any inefficiencies; risks (commercial, statutory or health & safety) presented by any current practice; gaps in instruction, procedures and training; suggestions or issues reported by your Team; AND our proposals to enhance the business in those areas.
Meet to discuss the report, agree actions to take (or otherwise) and how to implement (or test) any new processes.
Work with your team to set-up and test changes in the field – and then review results (with more visits, if necessary) before agreeing which to include in the operations manual(s).
Create the final agreed list of contents for the new operations manual(s) in detail (often 30+ pages in itself).
Write a ‘test’ section of your operations manual in your corporate format and ‘voice’ for approval.
Write the full first draft completely bespoke from a ‘clean sheet of paper’ – adding preexisting materials only where agreed.
Conduct 1-2 meetings with management to review and amend the initial draft of your operations manual;
Provide a second draft with the agreed amendments.
Work with your Team to ‘test’ that second draft at one of your sites or with a panel of operational staff.
Meet again to review and amend the second draft after testing.
Create and deliver the third and final draft of operations manuals to your satisfaction.
(At this level of service, we will amend the final draft of your operations manuals for an agreed period after delivery – to further support you after launching your new operations manuals).
(Fully bespoke. Visits, testing and delivery scheduled over 6, 9 or 12 months )
(You may wish to publish your operations manuals in print, using electronic documents, through an App. or online. We can work with your designers, web-designers and IT specialists to suit any format.)
Click here to see the sections/subjects that our operations manuals can contain – depth and detail will vary by your needs, sector and by what level of our services you take.
See a list of the operations manuals we’ve written>>
Because our manuals explain every task in your operation step by step and are written bespoke - we can use the ‘language’ of your brand to create manuals that are easy to follow and that your Team actually use. And we manage the whole process and write everything for you.
Learn about our manual-writing services>>
We are instruction manual and user manual writers and designers. We write and design product user manuals for household name consumer brands around the World, and write and illustrate technical and maintenance manuals for manufacturing and industrial equipment. Our professional user manual copy writers and product illustrators are both in-house; so our excellent instructions are matched with excellent graphics, line drawings and layouts - without the usual additional cost and delay of using separate manual copywriters and designers. Your customers will find the beautiful step by step instruction manuals we create easy to follow.
Find out about our product (instruction) manuals>>
Existing manuals become less useful (even dangerous) without regular review – as they won’t detail changes to procedures and may contain/omit policies contrary to law. We review manuals, manage changes, write updates and help introduce new versions to your Team or franchisees.
Learn about or manual reviews and updating>>
We have served clients in all sectors in the UK and around the World at all stages of development and have the experience to advise you on franchise development, business development, performance improvement, standard operating procedures (SOPs), international expansion, change management and more.
With over 20 years’ experience serving franchises in all sectors in the UK and Worldwide, our franchise manuals reinforce relationships with franchisees, protect your brand and provide clear step-by-step guides for franchisee (and head office) operations to a high standard.
Find out more about our franchise manuals>>
Good training is imperative to support your manuals. We create engaging programmes that your Team will enjoy and your business (or franchise) will profit from – and can deliver them too.
Discover our training services>>
We have an in-house team that can create copy, graphics, technical drawings, flowcharts, booklets, posters, training workbooks, layouts and more in Adobe to enhance your manuals, training and product manuals in Adobe® Illustrator®, InDesign®, and Photoshop® (and other packages) for professional printing. We include this service when writing manuals, but can also enhance existing manuals.
We can offer any of the manuals we write in various interactive and collaborative online and digital formats. (Created in parallel with Microsoft Office® formats and hard copies).
Browse this website to see the sorts of manuals we create.
FREE guide to writing manuals.
We send a free copy of our manual-writing guide to all enquiries (worth £5.99). Get in touch today.
Are manuals necessary?
Good manuals enhance performance - and can increase the value of your business for sale or merger and provide for easier expansion, franchising, security and more. See why you need a manual.
Got any questions?
Our FAQ answers questions about our services and gives some useful advice and guidance on manuals, franchising and training. Click here.